Major Grant Announcement – Bathroom and Changeroom Upgrade

26 March 2024

Major Grant Announcement – Bathroom and Changeroom Upgrade

Logan Basketball is pleased to announce we have been successful in application for a major grant to complete a $190,000.00 upstairs bathroom renovation at the Bendigo Bank Cornubia Park Sports Centre. The grant is a part of the Minor Infrastructure and Inclusive Facilities Fund Program.

The project will include the construction of 2 universal team change rooms and a full renovation of the current bathrooms in the upstairs stadium gallery.

The current bathrooms are the same amenities from the original build over 25 years ago. The redevelopment and renovation of the space will improve the stadium user experience for multi-sport with the venue recording all-time high community use in the past 12 months. The additional construction will also see Logan Basketball meet Basketball Australia requirements to potentially host a future national championships.

Logan Basketball would like to publicly thank the Queensland Government Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport including Minister Mick De Brenni, Minister Melissa McMahon and Logan City Council for their support.

Suggestions & Feedback

Cornubia Park Sports Centre is always seeking better ways to operate and identify best practice methods in running the facility. We value your voice and any feedback or constructive criticism you may have to help us provide a better service would be appreciated.

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