Hornets Basketball


Hornets hold training at Mt Warren Park Sports Centre at 6:30pm-8:30pm.

Hornets is a club where players come to develop their physical, mental and emotional skills. We provide a highly organised and professional environment, built on a foundation of skills development, and a positive, supportive and professional culture.

Club Contacts

Email: admin@hoopgroupbball.com.au

‍More info @ Hoop Group Foundation

Hoop Group Facebook Page

Player Registration

Sign Up For Hornets Basketball
Registration button links to an external competition service. Create your account and sign up.

Suggestions & Feedback

Suggestions & Feedback

Game / Referee Reports

Please describe your report as clearly as possible.
Game / Referee Report

Offence with which person is being reported for

Report Details

Formal Complaint Form

Briefly describe your complaint to help us address it.
Formal Complaint Form

Complaint Details

Issue Description

When the problem arose or occurred

Name of the stadium official who first dealt with the problem