U18 Grading Results

Our U18 teams have been busy grading over the past few weekends, experiencing some tough losses, close wins, and great preparation as they head into their SQJBC Seasons.

Results and Positions:

Logan Thunder Boys

Logan Thunder defeated Southern District Spartans 84 to 65.

Logan Thunder defeated by NorthSide Wizards 50 to 91.

Logan Thunder defeated by Brisbane Capitals 60 to 69.

Logan Thunder defeat SC Phoenix 81 to 55.

Qualify for Premier League


Logan Thunder Gold Boys

Logan Thunder defeated by Southern District Spartans 51 to 71.

Logan Thunder defeat Southern District Spartans White 61 to 39.

Logan Thunder defeat Moreton Bay 120 to 34.

Logan Thunder defeated Northside Wizards 69 to 47.

Qualify for League 3


Logan Thunder Gold Girls

Logan Thunder defeated by Northside Wizards 35 to 70.

Logan Thunder defeated by Pirates 40 to 49.

Logan Thunder defeated by Toowoomba 57 to 62.

Logan Thunder defeated by Seahawks 23 to 70.

Logan Thunder defeated by Northside Wizards 34 to 43.

Logan Thunder defeat Redcity 35 to 23.

Logan Thunder defeat Pirates 53 to 33.

Qualify for League 2


Logan Thunder Blue Boys

Logan Thunder defeat RedCity 76 to 40.

Logan Thunder defeated by Moreton Bay 43 to 60.

Logan Thunder defeat Gold Coast 63 to 55.

Logan Thunder defeat Seahawks 48 to 47.

Qualify for League 3


Logan Thunder Maroon Boys

Logan Thunder defeat USC Rip 40 to 41.

Logan Thunder defeated by RedCity 43 to 46.

Qualify for League 6


Logan Thunder White Boys

Logan Thunder defeated by USC Rip 56 to 65.

Logan Thunder defeated by Ipswich 67 to 70.

Logan Thunder defeat Greater Springfield Pioneers 56 to 41.

Qualify for League 6


We can’t wait to see all our teams in action this season!

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Formal Complaint Form

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Issue Description

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Name of the stadium official who first dealt with the problem