Corporate Partner Announcement – Roberts and Cowling

We are excited to announce that Roberts and Cowling will join the Thunder Family as a new NBL1 Corporate Partner for the 2021 Season. Roberts & Cowling was founded in 2003 by Brisbane Accounting professionals Ben Roberts and David Cowling. From the outset they had a vision for their accounting firm that would seperate them in the field. They wanted to dedicate their lives to helping business owners build amazing businesses. They knew that the majority of accountants in Brisbane were stale. They also knew that the only way they could achieve their objectives was to create an accounting firm where meaningful client relationships could foster smart, innovative outcomes.

We caught up with director Ben Roberts to learn more…

What message would you like to get across to the Thunder Family about Roberts and Cowling?

RobertsCowling is an accounting firm focussed on Australian small and medium business. Our purpose is to foster meaningful and lasting relationships so that great businesses can be built. We believe in an accounting relationship where contact is far more than once a year. In fact we tailor solutions for clients from traditional accounting services to business coaching and even fully outsourced CFO services. No two relationships are the same!

To encourage a strong relationship, we are fully transparent on our fees and believe in no charge for phone calls or emails.

Why did Roberts and Cowling look to get involved with the Thunder Family?

RobertsCowling is passionate about the benefits of sporting participation for youth. We are keen believers in engaging younger generations in activities that are supportive of their general health, whilst developing team based skills that will benefit them well into their future. Ben Roberts is an avid basketball fan and strongly believes in fostering the love for this sport, and the lifelong benefits it will provide for the youth of today.

By forming this partnership, RobertsCowling are looking to help Logan Thunder build on their current successes and help more young people in our community get involved in this wonderful sport. Ultimately, as Directors at RobertsCowling we want to give back to the community in which we both live.

‍What are some opportunities available to Logan Basketball members through the partnership?

We’re offering to all Logan Thunder basketball members who run businesses a free, no obligation consultation, and a complimentary initial business health check at RobertsCowling.

‍Who is the best person to contact for enquiries?

‍Call our office on 3891 1888 or email and don’t forget to mention Logan Thunder!

Big news to have a new corporate partner joining the Thunder Family ahead of the NBL1 North Season.

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